Friday, July 27, 2012

In the Beginning

Hello all!  I am pleased to announce that this is the official blog for the Foundry Gaming Club and it's also my very first blog ever, woo hooo!  (insert applause here)  Who is the The Foundry Gaming Club you ask, an excellent question.  We are who might call a "Band of Brothers"  that love what Games Workshop has brought to our lives.  Good, bad or ugly, we are still ready to lace up our boots and get 40K, WFB other wargame dirty.  We are not just about giving our opponents the equivalent of an atomic wedgie on the table top, we embrace the hobby as a whole.  Modeling, painting, gaming fluff and there's a beer around that's good too. 

Just a side note I have received more atomic wedgies on the table top that I am still finding underoos in places I wish no to discuss...any who.

As individuals we have well over 60 years of gaming/hobbying experience, even though our group has been together for less than a year. 

To start things off we took on our first major event in the Fall of 2011 with the DaBoyz GT in Rochester.  That was my first GT.  We all had a great time and came away with third place for best table.  Awesome, way to go team!

After the dust settled from our GT adventure, planning began for our next endeavour.  UBConn 2012...

The Conn brought new faces to the fold and a weekend packed with events we hoped would draw a huge crowd and interest.  Many passers by came in to check out what we were doing.  They played demo games of 40K, WFB, as well as getting painting lessons from some extremely talented area painters.  We saw the biggest crowds emerge with the Saturday night 40K mega battle.
With over 24 feet of table top battlefield, 30 gamers four super heavies and two titans how could we go wrong.  (In the top right you can see my unfinished Baneblade WIP and it is going to look sweet)

Another hit for the weekend was the painting competition which had tons of really good entries that made the judging difficult.

This is but a taste of what is yet to come from The Foundry, with members as far away as Texas, Tennessee and Virginia who know what we will do next.

PS. Please leave you feedback I welcome what you all have to say, as well any suggestions you may have to make this a better publication.

Happy Gaming!