Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nice to Meet You 6th Edition!


                Good day everyone.  So the new edition of 40K has been out for about two months now and a number of you blood-thirsty gamers have had a chance to get your o.d.’s dirty.  Unfortunately, I am still not among those ranks yet.  Overall, I’ve heard great things about this new edition, which is building my anticipation even more.  I’ve also heard some criticisms as well, which is normal and taken with a grain of salt (consider the various sources).  Recently, I had the chance to drop in on an event that helped gamers become familiar with the new rules in a loose tournament setting.   The casual feel took tournament stress out of the picture for the gamers, with some prize support to boot.  Now admittedly I don’t know the results of this event, if you really want to know just ask the guys that were there.

                The turnout was modest but I was impressed with variety of armies being fielded, IG with allied Grey Knights, Nids, Vanilla Marines, Dark Eldar, and of course Orks Waaaagggghhhh!  Flyers were well represented as well, Ork Dakka jets and Storm Ravens alike.  Man I wish I had played instead of being on the sidelines, ugh.  For the most part painting seemed to be a WIP (no gray plastic though, a plus) those that were painted looked pretty darn good.  Well enough blathering from me check out the photos that I took and let’s hear from the gamers that were there.  Tell us what you liked, didn’t like or even a quick word about one of the games you played. 


As always, thanks for reading and happy hobbying!


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Things That Go Bump In The Warp!

Part II: The Ben Hur Effect

Hey everyone, once again I’m back with the next installment of the Foundry’s Forge.  I hope you all took in the changes that GW made to the Flamers and Screamers.  As it appears Charlton Heston has been bending the ears of GW staffers as well, with addition of Chariots to the 40K universe.  More specifically, we turn our gaze to the Seeker and Hellflayer Chariots of Slaanesh.

             Slaanesh, the prince of temptation and twisted pleasures, is no stranger to use of chariots.  A Daemonettes’ failure in battle brought a sentence of menial soul collecting at the helm of one of these frightful contraptions.  However, a pair of his more spirited handmaidens found another way to use the awful machines of the warp’, by riding these massive reapers through the enemy ranks.  Soon after seeing the havoc that his chariots caused a new purpose was assigned to these Machines of Blissful Pain.  Countless fresh souls were now being ripped from their victims bodies for the pleasure of Slaanesh.(pg.3 Chaos Daemons minidex)

Sounds gruesome, doesn’t it?  Let’s see how bad/good it really is.

Seeker Chariots of Slaanesh

            The new Seeker Cavalcade gives Daemon players a few options to work with. Your base Seeker Chariot will run you 40pts.  It’s the Chevy Malibu of dark magic transports, not too flashy, just reliable enough to get you from point A to point B leaving red mist and body parts in its wake.  Exalted Chariot’s starting at 90pts are more like your BMW’s.  They have more bells and whistles in the base models, also far superior option packages.  Both Choices have identical stat lines, with one exception that the Exalted Chariot has four hull points instead of two.  Hull points are a new feature in the 40K universe, this facet plays a particularly important role with these units.  Why? you ask… I’ll tell you why,  both chariots have the new Fleshshredder special rule.  For every remaining hull point they get D6 strength 4 A.P. – Hammer of Wrath attacks.  If I do the math right, that’s potentially twenty four close combat attacks, not counting what the Exalted Alluress gets in her profile.  You are probably thinking, “Wow! that’s a lot of attacks but I think I can deal with that, it’s not that bad.”  Don’t get ahead of yourself junior!  As the saying goes, you can run, but you can’t hide.  Gifted with Aura of Acquiescence, opposing units will not be protected in cover.  AoA gives the chariots offensive and defensive grenades, oh and when they do catch you watch out for their claws they rend in close combat as well.

Special Rules

Seeker Chariot: 

Exalted Alluress:  Daemon, Fleet

Seeker Chariot:  Daemon, Fleet, Fleshshredder


Exalted Seeker Chariot:

Exalted Alluress:  Daemon

Exalted Seeker Chariot:  Daemon, Fleshshredder


Hellflayers of Slaanesh

          On the surface Hellflayers and the base Seeker Chariots are no different, stat line is the same in all categories, Daemonic gifts same, and unit type is all the same.  However they cost twenty points more, why?  Hellflayers have a dirty little secret that could cause your opponent to have a very bad day, it’s called Soulscent.  This special rule grants the Hellflayer bonus attacks for every unsaved wound that they inflict from the Hammer of Wrath attacks on an enemy unit.  So basically make your saves and you should be good.

             As a quick side note this new minidex has some inconsistencies to be mindful of.  The Hellflayer entry shows the Exalted Alluress as having an Initiative of 5 instead of 6 with the seekers.  I confirmed with GW that it in fact should be a Initiative 6.  Also ignore the BS value given to the Seeker Chariots it should be at zero since they have no shooting attacks.

             All in all you are looking at some potentially very scary additions to the Daemon codex.  I have yet to play a game of sixth, let alone come face to face with any of these baddies.  Let’s hear from the masses, have you played with or against these new units?  If so what do you think? 

That’s for now, leave your comments and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Things That Go Bump In the Warp!

Hey gang! Hopefully by now you have checked your mail boxes or made your way down to your FLGS/FLHS to pick the new White Dwarf. Luckily, I grabbed the last copy that my store had. Awesome! To my surprise, I found a new rules supplement for 40K/WFB Chaos Daemons in the package. The hits just keep coming since 6th edition reared its shiny, new head. Stop shaking your head, you love it and you know it. This mini-codex is seven pages of rules, fluff and artwork that GW has put together for arguably the most unique army in both the 40K and Fantasy universe. So let’s dive in and take a look shall we?

What's Changed!

Flamers of Tzeench

To the seasoned Daemons player a couple of obvious changes appear right off the bat.

  1. The base unit size has stayed the same, but the max size is limited to nine models in the unit.
  2. The unit itself has gotten cheaper at twenty three points per model as opposed to thirty five points per model.
  3. Tzeench is getting wiser in his old age, and Daemon players now get a squad leader (sergeant) for a whopping five points. This upgrades one model to a Pyrocaster and gives you a model with one more attack.
  4. The biggest change to these guys is removal of the Bolt of Tzeench upgrade. Gone are the days of that 24” Strength 8 A.P. -1 shot that can just ruin your day.

All in all they got a little nerfed, but they came away with a leader option that gets an extra attack for a small cost.   Just remember who the first to go is if things don’t go the Dark Prince’s way.  

Screamers of Tzeentch

                These guys got a pretty good overhaul.

1.      Like the Flamers, the unit size has gone to a max of nine models per unit .

2.      On top of that Screamers are now more expensive.  Previously they were 16pts/model in 5th edition to a hefty 25pts/model.  Are you starting to get that feeling in your stomach after you eat your mother’s meatloaf?  Well grab an antacid, it will be alright.  I promise!

3.      The new Special Rules are the saving grace of this unit.  GW took away Warp Jaws (awe no more flying melta bombs!), but added Lamprey’s Bite and Slashing Attack.  Let’s take a look.

a.      Lamprey’s Bite is your typical close combat attack

                                                                          i.      Strength 5, A.P. 2 with Melee and Armourbane(USR)

b.      Slashing Attack has the same base concept of those pesky greenskins and their Big Bomb attacks.  This is both really cool and really scary at the same time.  If the unit turbo-boosts over any enemy unit(s), including vehicles, the enemy unit takes D3 Str – 4 Ap – hits per Screamer in the unit!  That’s potentially 27 hits being dished out in the movement phase to a single unit.  Ouch!  Note that vehicles will always be hit on their side armour regardless of approach vector.

 Personally, I like what has been done so far with the 40K side of things for Daemons. Unfortunately I can’t speak to the Fantasy realm, since I don’t play that system, so you'll just have to read it yourself. In my next entry I will take a look at the new shinies that have come to the side of Daemon players everywhere…Hellflayers and Seeker Chariots.

Until then…happy gaming!

Friday, July 27, 2012

In the Beginning

Hello all!  I am pleased to announce that this is the official blog for the Foundry Gaming Club and it's also my very first blog ever, woo hooo!  (insert applause here)  Who is the The Foundry Gaming Club you ask, an excellent question.  We are who might call a "Band of Brothers"  that love what Games Workshop has brought to our lives.  Good, bad or ugly, we are still ready to lace up our boots and get 40K, WFB other wargame dirty.  We are not just about giving our opponents the equivalent of an atomic wedgie on the table top, we embrace the hobby as a whole.  Modeling, painting, gaming fluff and there's a beer around that's good too. 

Just a side note I have received more atomic wedgies on the table top that I am still finding underoos in places I wish no to discuss...any who.

As individuals we have well over 60 years of gaming/hobbying experience, even though our group has been together for less than a year. 

To start things off we took on our first major event in the Fall of 2011 with the DaBoyz GT in Rochester.  That was my first GT.  We all had a great time and came away with third place for best table.  Awesome, way to go team!

After the dust settled from our GT adventure, planning began for our next endeavour.  UBConn 2012...

The Conn brought new faces to the fold and a weekend packed with events we hoped would draw a huge crowd and interest.  Many passers by came in to check out what we were doing.  They played demo games of 40K, WFB, as well as getting painting lessons from some extremely talented area painters.  We saw the biggest crowds emerge with the Saturday night 40K mega battle.
With over 24 feet of table top battlefield, 30 gamers four super heavies and two titans how could we go wrong.  (In the top right you can see my unfinished Baneblade WIP and it is going to look sweet)

Another hit for the weekend was the painting competition which had tons of really good entries that made the judging difficult.

This is but a taste of what is yet to come from The Foundry, with members as far away as Texas, Tennessee and Virginia who know what we will do next.

PS. Please leave you feedback I welcome what you all have to say, as well any suggestions you may have to make this a better publication.

Happy Gaming!